Pond skimmers also houses and hides the pump and plumbing from view. as opposed to being placed directly in the pond where they become an eyesore. The main function of mechanical filtration, or pond skimmer, is to remove debris before it sinks to the bottom of the pond and decays.
There are two main types of pond skimmers: box skimmers and floating skimmers. Both types filter the water by removing floating debris and waste before it’s had a chance to fall to the bottom of the pond. The box skimmer is the predominant type of skimmer on the market today because it’s easy to maintain.
As water enters the pond skimmers, the large debris is caught in the aquascape skimmer basket and the water is then further filtered through the horizontal mat. The pond water then travels through the plumbing buried underground, up to the biological filter where it’s further treated before re-entering the pond.
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